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Dental Implants are titanium screws surgically placed into your jawbone. The dental implant serves as the roots of a missing tooth. Once the implant has healed, it can be covered with a crown or an implant supported denture.

Dr. Poldek will surgically place the implant by making a custom surgical guide for every implant. By using a surgical guide during your surgery, it ensures his patients get the best placement results possible. Dr. Poldek has combined the use of the Sirona Galileos Cone Beam CT, Cerec Primescan and Sprint Ray 3D Printer to scan, plan and 3D print the surgical guide. He has been a leader in the dental field and has spent time teaching other dentists on how to implement this technology for implant surgeries.


Natural Look and Comfortable Feel

Dental Implants are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. In addition, implants give patients the confidence to smile, eat, and engage in social activities without worrying about how they look or if their dentures will fall out.

Long Lasting and Reliable

An implant that is properly cared for, restored with a conventional restoration, and maintained properly, can last a lifetime.

High Success Rate

Well planned and cared for dental implants generally offer ‘survival rates’ comparable or better than other teeth replacement options. People in good health have the best chance for successful implants.

Improved Ability to Eat and Chew

Dental implants are anchored in your jawbone just like natural teeth. Over time they will help preserve the jawbone and significantly reduce bone resorption. Replacing missing teeth with implants allow you to chew your food better and speak more clearly.

Improved Bone and Facial Features

Dental implants preserve natural tooth tissue by avoiding the need to cut down adjacent teeth for conventional bridgework. They will also preserve bone and significantly reduce bone resorption and deterioration that result in loss of jawbone height.